Monterery Garden Insect Spray Spinosad 1 Gallon Review
Monterery Garden Insect Spray Spinosad 1 Gallon Feature
- Organic active ingredient, produced by fermentation
- New chemistry for insect control
- B.t. replacement, more effective pest control
- Can be used on vegetable & fruit crops, ornamentals, and turf
- Another killer product from Flora Hydroponics
Description: Spinosad is a relatively new insect killer that was discovered from soil in an abandoned rum distillery in 1982. Produced by fermentation, Spinosad can be used on outdoor ornamentals, lawns, vegetables and fruit trees, to control caterpillars, thrips, leafminers, borers, fruit flies, and more. Spinosad must be ingested by the insect, therefore it has little effect on sucking insects and non-target predatory insects. Spinosad is relatively fast acting. The pest insect dies within 1 to 2 days after ingesting the active ingredient. Will not persist in the environment. Sunlight and soil microbes break it down into carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Classified as an organic substance by the USDA National Organic Standards Board. OMRI Listed for use in organic production. Controls Moth and butterfly larva including Gypsy moth, codling moth, leaf miners, bagworms, tent caterpillars, borers, thrips, Colorado potato beetle larva, leafrollers, webworms, armyworms, sawflies, gall midges, whiteflies, stinkbugs, harlequin bugs, squash vine borer, fruit flies and more. Application Recommendations: MIXING AND APPLICATION (Shake well before use.) MONTEREY GARDEN INSECT SPRAY may be applied with trigger sprayer, hand-held, backpack, or hose-end sprayers. Use a hose-end sprayer that can be adjusted to provide a dilution ratio of about 2,0 fl. oz. (4 Tbs.) of MONTEREY GARDEN INSECT SPRAY per gallon of spray. See Hose-end Sprayer Directions below if this product is packaged in hose-end sprayer. Add the required amount of MONTEREY GARDEN INSECT SPRAY to the recommended amount of water, mix thoroughly, and apply uniformly to both upper and lower surfaces of plant foliage. It is recommended to mix only as much spray as needed for a single treatment. In vegetable gardens it is recommended to use not more than 3.0 gallons of spray for 1,000 square feet of area.
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